Support : PROMJet Flash Emulator Software Downloads
PROMJet Software download
Please use this section to download latest releases for PROMJet software and drivers. The Software is available for Windows 7, Vista, XP (32 and 64 bit). A linux version is also available for download.
Windows Software
PROMJet software for Windows (Win 7/Vista/XP 32 & 64 bit).
Please make sure to reinstall the new PROMJet USB device driver if you are upgrading from any PROMJet software prior to 5.0. This can be done under control panel "System" menu and choosing view devices. Select "Update Driver" from the pull down menu by right-clicking on the PROMJet USB icon to upgrade to latest driver.
The new software increases the download speed up to 3 times compared to previous versions. It also offers better supports for Windows 7 & 8 64bit.
Linux Software
PROMJet software for Linux Fedora (32 Bit).
PROMJet software for Linux Fedora ( 64 Bit).
PROMJet software for Linux Ubuntu (32 Bit).
PROMJet software for Linux Ubuntu (64 Bit).
This is version 4.6 of the software. It solves the USB power cycle issue after some downloads.